Belgian chocolate, waffles and Brussels sprouts are some of the things that Belgian cuisine is famous for . Belgian cuisine is one of the most award-winning: the country has an incredible number of Michelin-starred restaurants. At home, Belgians prefer simple and satisfying food, while in restaurants they prefer refined and refined food. We’ll tell you what you should definitely try!


Traditional rich fish soup. Waterzoi is prepared from a mixture of seafood, most often fish, mussels, shrimp and eel are used. A mandatory attribute of the soup is vegetables: leeks, celery, potatoes and carrots. The indispensable secret ingredient is a creamy sauce and aromatic spices, including thyme and sage. The stew is served to the table, garnished with fresh herbs.

French fries

Did you know that French fries were invented by the Belgians? Here it is prepared according to the correct original recipe. Crispy golden potato slices are a favorite Belgian street food; French fries are sold in any street cafe. By the way, restaurants also do not hesitate to serve potatoes as a side dish for meat. My favorite sauce is not ketchup or cheese, but the most common mayonnaise.

Multi frit

The Belgians are experts when it comes to food combinations, so just trust their taste and be sure to appreciate the mussels with fries. Mussels are cooked in sauce, there are three varieties to choose from: spicy, beer and creamy with herbs. Dipping potatoes into mussel sauce is a special treat! The dish is served both in restaurants and in street fast food stalls.


The favorite food of Belgian students and the most popular type of street fast food is mitraiet. This is a sandwich consisting of a fresh crispy baguette filled with french fries, pieces of fried meat, vegetables and grated cheese. The sauce is made from a mixture of mustard and mayonnaise. The sandwich is sold in most street stalls throughout Belgium. Incredibly simple and amazingly tasty!

Carbonade in Flemish

The national dish of Belgium is meat goulash. Its peculiarity is in the sauce, which is prepared from a mixture of beer, bread and mustard, in which the meat cut into pieces is stewed. The sauce thickens, envelops the meat, making it tender and imparting a piquant taste. Traditionally, goulash is washed down with the same beer from which the sauce was prepared. The dish is incredibly satisfying and very popular, especially when it’s cold and dank outside.

Rabbit in beer

Everything that the Belgians cook from rabbit meat is amazingly tasty. The rabbit meat is first marinated in a sauce made from a mixture of beer, wine and vinegar. Then, sprinkled with spices, fried until a crust appears and, when served, poured with creamy beer sauce. The meat turns out so tender that it melts in your mouth.

Eel in green sauce

Gourmets advise you to definitely try eel in Belgian style. River eel “meat” is cooked in a creamy sauce, the piquant taste of which is given by a bouquet of herbs: lemon balm, sage, mint, oregano and other spices. The dish is equally tasty both hot and cold. Before use, it is recommended to sprinkle with lemon juice and wash down with cold beer or white wine.

Chicory gratin

Chicory gratin will provide an unusual flavor combination. By the way, chicory is a frequent guest in Belgian cuisine. In the gratin recipe, chicory is cooked under a “coat” of slices of ham, cream sauce and cheese. The products combine interestingly with each other, the taste is creamy and salty. The gratin is served with salad and, of course, French fries.

Liege salad

Warm Liege salad is a light and satisfying dish at the same time. It is very simple to prepare: thinly sliced ​​potatoes, bacon and green beans, seasoned with a sauce made from a mixture of vinegar and spices. As an experiment, add an egg, onion or light cream to the salad. The salad is served both in expensive restaurants and in street eateries.


Despite the love for French fries, they are not the only side dish in Belgian cuisine. No less popular is stump – a puree of boiled vegetables with spices. The selection of vegetables is limited only by the cook’s imagination: potatoes, carrots, peas, spinach. Thyme and bay leaf add flavor to the dish.

What to try in Belgium: TOP 10 national dishes