Georgia is a country that leaves no one indifferent. Here you can admire the mountain landscapes, see historical sights, swim to your heart’s content in the sea, walk along the city streets, feel the hospitality of the locals and improve your health at thermal resorts. But in order for your vacation to be a success, you need to choose the right time for your trip. In answering the question of when is the best time to go to Georgia, much depends on the tourists’ goals.

Summer is most suitable for a beach holiday. Those who don’t like extreme heat should consider June and September – it is not yet (or already) too hot, but quite comfortable for swimming. This season is especially good for those who ask when to go to Georgia with a child and when to go to Georgia by the sea.

And for those who travel to Georgia for tourism purposes, it is better to choose spring or autumn. This time is optimal for excursions, walks, visiting fortresses and temples.

You should go to ski resorts from the end of November to May; at this time there is a real paradise for lovers of snow, sun and speed.

Holidays in Georgia in winter

Winter is traditionally a low season for Georgia. Most places are quite warm, with average temperatures ranging from around +5°C to +10°C. There is little sun, it often snows in January and rains in February. Fogs are common. Therefore, going to Georgia at this time with an excursion program is not the best decision.

Winter is the best time to relax at ski resorts, where, on the contrary, there is a lot of sun, in the rays of which the snow sparkles. The optimal time is the second half of January and February. At this time there is always snow, even in those years when the weather is amazingly warm.

At the same time, there are no severe frosts, during which the temperature drops below -10 °C, and therefore it is very comfortable to ride. In addition, after January 15, there are fewer people at ski resorts, as vacations in Georgian schools end and local vacationers return home.

Also, for a winter holiday in Georgia, you can choose the Christmas holidays to immerse yourself in a fabulous atmosphere, visit holiday fairs, watch religious processions and enjoy the warmth and comfort of the local establishments.

Winter holidays in the mountains of Georgia will be a truly unforgettable experience, so one of the answers to the question of when is the best time to go to Georgia has been received.

Holidays in Georgia in spring

In spring, Georgia quickly becomes warm (from +15 °C in early to mid-March to +30 °C at the end of May). It can still snow in March, so you should plan your trip starting from the second half of March.

In spring, gardens bloom in Georgia, filling the air with enchanting aromas, and everything quickly turns green. In April and May, it is best to go to Georgia for those who want to admire nature in national parks (for example, the ideal time to visit the botanical garden in Batumi is April), as well as travel around the country with an excursion program. In May it is already quite warm and there is almost no rain, and therefore nothing will overshadow walks through historical places.

By the end of May, the air and water have already warmed up so much that some people open the swimming season. Diving enthusiasts start diving even earlier – in April.

In the spring you can still go to the mountains, where there is still snow, to go skiing (until May).

The advantage of spring holidays in the country is moderate prices, because this time is traditionally considered the low season. When answering the question about when is the best time to go on vacation to Georgia to save money, you should know that in the spring.

Holidays in Georgia in summer

The summer months are an excellent time to relax on the Black Sea coast, where a refreshing sea breeze saves you from the heat (air temperature can reach +35–40 °C). From the second half of June until the end of August, stable warm weather sets in and the water warms up. There is practically no rain, but sometimes it is cloudy and cloudy.

In June it rains more often, and the sea water can be quite cold. However, this period is optimal for those who do not like extreme heat. In addition, prices in June are noticeably lower than in other summer months.

A separate plus of a summer holiday in Georgia is delicious fruits that ripen in July-August. They are not too expensive and are sold literally everywhere – in stores and bazaars. Apricots, peaches, pears, apples, raspberries, figs, fragrant melons and sugar watermelons – during your vacation you can stock up on vitamins for the year ahead.

Summer, with the exception of June, is not the best time for traveling around the country and excursion programs, since the heat will make long walks in open areas impossible, but it is better to go to the sea in Georgia in the summer.

Holidays in Georgia in autumn

Autumn is a golden time for relaxation in this hospitable country. September, with an air temperature of about +25–27 °C, is a real velvet season, when a holiday at sea is especially pleasant.

There is no sweltering heat, so you can stay on the beach all day long. This is a good time for traveling around the country and excursions. The only negative is that you can get caught in the rain. At this time they go more often than in summer, so you should always carry an umbrella with you. Fortunately, the rains are mostly short-term, and therefore do not interfere with your vacation too much.

September is also the time for the ripening of delicious grapes and the Rtveli harvest festival.

In October it gets cooler in Georgia. On the first weekend of the month, the capital of the country hosts the Tbilisoba holiday, in honor of which concerts, fairs and other interesting events are organized. This is the end of the holiday season, and therefore prices are lower than in summer and September.

In November it gets even colder in Georgia. It may snow and hail in the mountains, and preparations for the ski season begin. And in the coastal regions it is still quite warm, +15–20 °C, so it is quite possible to breathe the sea air and visit historical places.

When is the best time to go to Georgia? Season in Georgia