what is the Albanian currency? Where to change euros in Albania? Is it possible to withdraw money in Albania? And at what exchange rate? Can I use an ATM in Albania?

These questions, often asked by our readers, respond to one of the first concerns faced by those who decide to organize a trip to Albania , a non-EU country, where there is a monetary system different from the one they are used to, which maybe it’s a little scary: that is, having the necessary liquidity for the holiday.

No fear! By following this guide you will be able to easily navigate the payment dynamics typical of Albania.

The Albanian currency is the Lek (ALL) and at the current exchange rate 1.00 euros is equivalent to approximately 100 leks. Restaurants, bars and supermarkets also accept payment in euros, but the exchange rate applied is generally not very advantageous; it becomes absolutely inconvenient if paid with coins (2.00 euros, 1.00 euros, 50 cents, etc.), since it seems that the owners of commercial premises find it particularly difficult to have them converted into lek, unlike what happens with the banknotes. So the first rule is to always pay in lek.

But where to change money in Albania ? Simply in the many exchanges, present in all the main cities of Albania , and at bank branches. In Albanian exchange offices there are no fixed commissions, and each office has its own exchange rate. Therefore, before changing your euros into leks, always check on the electronic screens at the entrance to the office which money changer offers the most favorable rate; There are always variations, even if minimal, between the various exchanges.

Unfortunately, Albania is not yet part of the Sepa area (Single Euro Payments Area), so when you use your card – we are talking about ATMs but the same applies even more to credit cards, which still have withdrawal and payment costs higher – to withdraw money in Albania from ATMs, commission costs will be applied, and further expenses related to currency exchange, which vary from bank to bank. To avoid unpleasant surprises, before leaving, it is advisable to check with your bank the exact amount of commissions and other expense items, in addition to the daily usage limits.

What is certain (as happens throughout the world) is that the exchange offices, which are located at Tirana Airport, rather than at the Port of Durres, Vlora and Saranda, are completely inconvenient for the traveller!

We always recommend starting with cash and changing it from time to time as needed, but there may be situations in which it becomes essential to resort to ATM withdrawals in Albania; this is only possible if your card is associated with an international circuit and enabled to be used abroad.

As you may have understood, withdrawing money in Albania with a debit card or credit card is perhaps the most convenient method of all, but also the least convenient.

Finally, we remind you that it is essential to change euros into leks , not only to save on the prices of products and services in Albania, which in the local currency are often lower than the equivalent in euros, but also because the POS in Albania – that is, that electronic device, which allows you to make payments with credit, debit or prepaid cards – is still not very widespread, and is mainly paid in cash.

To overcome all these problems, a good idea is to book the euro lek exchange online , directly from your computer: it might seem strange, but with this procedure, changing euros into leks in Italy before leaving can be convenient!

Let’s put our hands forward and tell you straight away that the exchange rate is less advantageous than the one you will find in the currency exchanges in Albania… but at the same time significantly better than the commission requested by the banks for withdrawing cash from the Albanian ATMs, as well as the payment in euros, and generally also at the exchange rate practiced for example by the exchange at Tirana Airport.

However, even if the exchange rate becomes more convenient as the amount requested increases, our advice is to book online the bare essentials for your arrival in Albania – consider both the obligatory expenses, such as the taxi, as well as unexpected and ancillary expenses. , such as a sandwich, a bottle of water, etc… -, which we believe can be quantified as 250.00 euros, and postpone the exchange by a larger sum once you have found the right currency exchange.

The solution that we always adopt to obtain the best online currency exchange service is Forexchange , a leading company in Italy in the sector, thanks to a strong strategic distribution in the area, with 81 exchange agencies present in historic centres, railway stations and airports, and to access the most attractive online exchange rates.

Zero commissions, more favorable exchange conditions as the amount booked increases and discounts for those under 26 are all valid reasons to take advantage of the service, but Forexchange’s real ace in the hole is the FX BuyBack option (cost €5.00 ), which allows you to return up to 100% of the currency exchanged on the outward journey and not used during the trip, under the same conditions existing at the time of booking. Check it out by clicking the link below.

Where to change money in Albania: cash, debit cards and credit cards!