Belgium is one of the most reliable, steadily developing countries in the European Union. It is difficult for citizens of the former USSR to find a well-paid job in Belgium, but it is possible. Brussels sprouts. Delicious beer. Hercule Poirot. These are the first associations that arise in the mind of the average person when he hears the phrase “Kingdom of Belgium”.

In addition, this small country is one of the most favorable countries in the European Union in terms of employment. Today, good work in Belgium is not a fairy tale, but an objective reality. Life in Belgium also attracts many foreigners.


The first person to think about finding a job in this small, beautiful country is those who have real professional experience. In Belgium, like nowhere else, highly qualified specialists are valued, as well as those who have dedicated their lives to complex but interesting specific work.

Those specialists who are able to solve current problems facing a particular enterprise have a good chance of finding employment in Belgium. Seasonal work is also in demand in this country. A person who is not highly qualified in in-demand specialties should pay attention to vacancies in the service sector.

What kind of job to look for

With Belgium boasting enviable economic growth and stability, there is no shortage of job opportunities. As in any other country, representatives of the white-collar category can find a “place in the sun” here. Particularly in demand in Belgium are:

  1. Accountants.
  2. Doctors.
  3. IT specialists.
  4. Engineers.

Foreign applicants who are unable to confirm their qualifications can get a job:

  1. Cashier.
  2. Waiter.
  3. Driver.
  4. Mechanic.

Different specialists are required at different times throughout the country. You can track the information on the relevant websites.

Wage level

Working in Belgium pays very well. The minimum wage, according to 2007 data, is approximately one thousand three hundred euros per month. The average salary is thirty-eight euros/hour.

The salary level for doctors is especially attractive. If a doctor who arrived in Belgium from the countries of the former USSR is lucky enough to open his own office, he can receive more than 8,000 euros.

Salaries for in-demand specialists look like this:

  • cleaning lady – 1.2 thousand euros;
  • store salesperson – 1.7 thousand euros;
  • builder – 1.9 thousand euros;
  • secretary – 2.0 thousand euros;
  • electrician – 1.6 thousand euros;
  • driver – 1.8 thousand euros;
  • plumber – 1.8 thousand euros;
  • IT specialist – 2.2 thousand euros;
  • doctor – 5.0 thousand euros.

Features of cash payments

Wages in this country are set against the backdrop of an agreement between the Trade Union and the enterprise. The Agreement also deals with the organization of work activities and shifts. If the enterprise does not involve contact with the trade union, then the employer adheres to the minimum wage established by the inter-industry agreement.

Funds are paid in Belgium in 2 systems. Persons whose attention was attracted by job vacancies receive a salary once every two weeks. Doctors and engineers working at the enterprise can expect payments once a month.

Seasonal vacancies require a different payment scheme. Average wages range from eight to nine euros per hour.

Where to look for work

There are several ways to look for work in Belgium:

  1. At the labor exchange.
  2. On Belgian Internet sites.
  3. In the Belgian press (relevant already upon arrival in the country).
  4. With the help of an intermediary company.

If we talk about territorial features, it is important to take into account the paradoxical fact that it is more than difficult for a foreigner to find a job in Brussels. The situation with jobs for foreigners in the province of Wallonia is no better.

The chances of applicants from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine finding work in Flanders, where a large number of industrial enterprises are located, are significantly increased. True, in order to get a job here, the applicant must have a good command of, if not Dutch, then at least German.

Important to remember

Anyone who is fluent in English and French has a good chance of finding a well-paid job in Belgium. If the applicant speaks Flemish perfectly, then not only pleasant career prospects await him, but also all kinds of bonuses. It is also important to have relevant certificates and documents confirming your education. You can also undergo training in Belgium itself .

The probationary period at a Belgian enterprise lasts from 14 to 30 days. The average working week is about forty hours.

Preparation of documents

The Kingdom has very strict entry rules. If the applicant is not a citizen of the European Union , he may encounter some difficulties in obtaining a work permit.

It is recommended to start collecting documents several months before a hypothetical departure.

It is also important to prepare for the fact that the Consulate may ask you to present a completely “unexpected” document.

Permit and visa

A foreign applicant can find a good job in the Kingdom only if he has an official work permit. Most often, the permit is issued by the employer. After this, the applicant applies for a visa to enter Belgium . You can obtain an entry visa type D at the country’s Consulate or other diplomatic institution.

There are 3 types of work permits in Belgium:

  • type “A” (relevant for any specialties, there are no restrictions on validity periods);
  • type “B” (valid for 1 year);
  • type “C”.

In the first case, a permit is issued only to a highly qualified applicant who can document his work experience. It must be at least four years old.

In the second case, the inviting party submits 2 requests:

  • permission to hire a specialist who is not an EU citizen to the enterprise;
  • permission for the employee.

Type “C” permits are issued infrequently. It is relevant for individuals planning to work simultaneously in several companies. An invitation from a Belgian employer must be certified by a personal signature. The document must indicate the terms of the contract and the purpose of the foreign specialist’s trip.

Important nuances

The work permit does not exceed twelve months and is never renewed. It is important to remember that not just anyone can get a job, but a person who meets certain criteria.

Thus, the age of the applicant should not exceed twenty-six years. In addition to the package of documents, he must attach a certificate indicating completed secondary education.

A candidate for employment in the Kingdom is not allowed to work in any other specialty. Upon expiration of the period specified in the contract, the foreign person undertakes to leave the territory of the country.

How not to do it

In Belgium there is not only an official labor market, but also a “black” one, which allows foreigners who come on a tourist visa to earn money. The opportunity to stay in the territory of the most favorable region of the European Union after the expiration of a tourist visa is certainly tempting.

Thus, an illegal immigrant is exempt from paying taxes and the obligation to re-register. Also, a foreigner enjoys complete freedom: if the vacancy does not suit him, he can apply for another job. But there are also pitfalls.

  1. First of all, you should forget about career advancement, bonuses and prospects, since an illegal immigrant can only get a job where there is a significant drain of personnel.
  2. There is also no need to expect any guarantees from the employer.
  3. Future pension programs and sick leave will have to be forgotten.
  4. There is no health insurance for illegal workers, and you will have to pay for doctor’s services out of your own pocket.
Work and available vacancies in Belgium