Andorra is growing and there are many job offers, especially in the tourism sector.

We have already discussed how a foreigner can find a job in Andorra. Today we will introduce you to the general labor policy and tell you what it means to work in the country.

Whether you’re looking for a seasonal job at a ski resort or dream of a more traditional career, this will be your guide. We will provide the information you need to start working in Andorra, as well as legal policies regarding labor.

Legal requirements to work in Andorra

If you are planning to start working in Andorra, you will need to fulfill several legal requirements in order to be employed as a foreigner.

Most of these are the same as those required to obtain an active residence permit, but we will provide some additional important information that you should keep in mind.

The first and perhaps most important requirement you will have to fulfill is obtaining a work permit. As of April 2018, only 900 work and residence permits are available to foreigners.

You need to apply to the official government immigration department and provide the following documents:

  • Original and photocopy of a valid passport.
  • Apostilled criminal record certificate (police certificate) from your country of origin, issued within three months from the date of apostille.
  • Document confirming residence
  • Marriage certificate
  • Resume

Please remember that the official language of Andorra is Catalan and all documents and legal applications must be submitted in Catalan.

After this, you will also need to open a bank account.

What is it like to work in Andorra?

You’ll experience many positive aspects of living in Andorra (even if you’re only here for seasonal work), including a reasonable cost of living, excellent healthcare system, very safe community, lots of scenery, and so on.

Of course, this also comes with the challenge of finding rental properties, which has been difficult in recent years.

Coming from another country, it is important to learn the various duties and responsibilities of employees. Finding a job is a competitive task, and you want to have every advantage possible to stand out.

Andorra’s labor policies are strict and are outlined in  the Labor Relations Code  . In theory, you will not find any violations when working in the country. Here are the key aspects of the working relationship:

Opening hours and schedules

  • The standard working week in Andorra is 40 hours. A person can work more, but only to a limited extent and only if he is paid overtime wages. No employee may work more than 12 hours on any given day.
  • Employees must be provided with at least 12 hours of vacation per day and at least one full day off per week.
  • If your working day lasts 6 hours or more, you are entitled to a 30-minute break.
  • 8-15 days notice is required before any change to schedule or work hours. (Executives and managers may be required to be more flexible in adapting to their company’s needs.)
  • Overtime work is limited to two hours per day, 15 hours per week, 50 hours per month and a maximum of 426 hours per year. Overtime pay for a specific week is as follows: a 25% premium for the first four hours, 50% for the next four and 75% for the ninth hour of overtime.

Holidays in Andorra

  • If you work on a national or municipal (comu) holiday, you are entitled to an additional day off or double your wages. For the four mandatory days of rest established by Andorran law (January 1, March 14, September 8 and December 25), pay must either be tripled or employees must be given two additional days of rest.
  • Everyone is granted leave of at least 30 days per calendar year. (This may be prorated for part-time workers based on the number of hours worked.)

Workers’ compensation in Andorra

  • The minimum wage in Andorra is 1017.47 euros per month. Most jobs pay above this threshold and consist of a fixed rate and a variable amount based on tips, commissions and incentives.
  • If you are going to work the night shift (10 pm to 6 am), you must be paid at least 20% above the minimum wage.
  • Contributions to the social insurance fund are mandatory. Employers pay a wage premium of 15.5% and employees pay 6.5%, for a total of 22%.

Andorran labor market

In a country of 75,000 inhabitants and over 8 million visitors a year, you can expect a wide variety of jobs in the tourism sector. This is especially true for ski resorts and seasonal professions.

However, with increasing international investment in every market and the influx of immigrants, there will inevitably be an increase in job offers in all areas of activity. So, now is a great time to think about moving to Andorra.

Work in the ski resort of Andorra

When you hear about working at a ski resort, the first thing that comes to mind is working as a ski instructor. But you will see that dozens of related activities are needed to keep a ski resort running.

Every winter season, job openings start to appear at ski resorts, and there are a variety of openings ranging from administrative positions, park maintenance specialists, customer service, kindergarten teachers, cooks and ski instructors.

From September you can start submitting applications for large ski resorts that are preparing to open. They want to do this as soon as the snow falls, which usually happens in November. Therefore, you can expect a response to your application by mid-October.

Although the application process and requirements are standard for every job in Andorra, you should prepare extra as these positions are very competitive.

Knowledge of English is a must, and with every additional language you know, such as Spanish, French, Catalan or Portuguese, your chances of being hired increase.

Working at a ski resort is an attractive job. The salary is good – both direct wages and tips, the work atmosphere is relaxed, and a recommendation from a large ski resort will open the door to the Andorran service industry.

How to find a job at a ski resort

Working during the ski season in Andorra will require you to arrive in the country before winter sets in, so you can apply as soon as vacancies become available.

The major ski resorts  of Pal Arinsal  and  Grandvalira  have extensive job offers that will begin opening in September. In both cases, you can apply online from outside the country directly from their websites:

The first advantage of working at these resorts is that they guarantee a contract of employment until April. Additionally, if you do not have resident status, they can help you obtain a temporary residence permit for the winter season.

Summary of what you need to know about working in Andorra

In this guide, we looked at the basic rules and requirements for working in Andorra. We also told you about working at ski resorts during the winter season.

It is clear that the legislation applicable to working in Andorra has much in common with many European countries. We have a 40-hour work week and many progressive benefits that help create a fair labor practice that supports our employees.

Salaries in Andorra compete with those in Spain and France. Given our low cost of living and excellent health benefits, you may find that Andorra is a much better option.

We hope that with this information you will be able to find a stable job in this beautiful country and start living and enjoying life in Andorra.

Your guide to working in Andorra. How to find work in Andorra? Work in Andorra.